Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thou shalt covet thy neighbour's tablet

One of my predictions for 2015 is that the Personal Computer (PC) will be phased out in lieue of the Commodity Computer (CC) and Tablet. It's the Personal aspect that is being minimized. The evolution comes on the edge of multiple fronts. One, miniaturization, it's always around us, and enables the construction of better portable devices. Two, the Cloud, enabling all of us to store that which makes our computing personal, in the Cloud rather than on a hard disk. And three, the time and frenzy factor. Who has the time or will have the time to personalize their computing environment to the extent that we did in the past.

With hard disks going away and being replaced by flash drives, the amount of personalization may be virtually nil. The desktop computer will become nothing more than a commodity, hence 'CC', and the tablet will be as swappable as a GPS device, which is experiencing a hefty number of thefts these days.

As computing migrates more and more to the Cloud, the computers that were once so valuable to our personal endeavours will become throw-aways. Tablets will not be the neat new "gotta have one" gadget, but a "where are my car keys and tablet" common necessity.

Consequently, the tablet will look even more attractive to thieves because of its universality. Aside from the nuances of Apple versus the rest of the world, the tablets will be up and running in someone else's hands within seconds. They won't even be locked like smart phones. Just like in the movies, tablets will be a portable window to the Internet and little more.

For you see, there will be little need to pour more and more power into the little devices as was done with smart-phones. The Internet has caught up and the Cloud is ready. Tablets and Smart-phones will be dumbed-down and become very very inexpensive, aside from the progress usually attributed to time and technology. The quantum leaps forward, in this regard, will actually appear to be backward. Look behind you to see what's coming.

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