Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Just right-click

One of the many phrases the computer age has put upon the lay person. I are not one so it amuses me to no end how an entire culture has evolved in a relatively short period of time. With respect to computer use, I figure the general public can be categorized in four ways.

First, the techno-weenies. They not only use the computer in their day to day work, but probably do all of their own maintenance, installing what they need, have utility programs to keep everything running smoothly, eat at their desk, and maybe shower once in a while.

Second, the gamers and browsers. For them, the computer is a tool that owes them something and using a word-processor or spreadsheet is as tough as it gets. This group is untrainable, and must upgrade a computer simply because it has collected so much unruly junk.

Next, we have the I dunno's. Those who say they know nothing about computers and are mostly right, but are at least humble. Unfortunately, as is stated time and again, they profess to be unable to learn about them as well.

Lastly we have the innocents. Those who don't own one, can't use one and don't care to. Unfortunately for them they still pay their Sears bill at the store and can barely handle an ATM. They are, however, happy! They never got sucked in. No passwords to remember, no metal boxes in the basement that can't be thrown out, no spam, no disconnects, no viruses, and no tennis elbow.

Yes, computers are amazing. My career has revolved around them, and software, so I often wonder what the world would be like without them. It was, after all, only one short lifetime ago that they didn't exist.

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