Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Wake up and smell the coffee!

I've just read a story about another meaningless study performed by some American university. This one focuses on the realization that teen boys and girls spend less time reading on school nights if they are playing video games. Do ya think?

We really must have some slow news days because if it isn't the mundane and obvious being reported it's something new about Britney. All of the cool science stuff gets pushed to the back burner and we can only take so much U.S. politics. I mean how long do presidential campaigns have to run anyway?

The enlightened among us know that the media's job is to keep us off balance and in a constant state of fear, so why do they slip up sometimes? If there is that much room, let's get to the 911 conspiracy theory, the Federal Reserve Bank control of the U.S. economy, the privatization of the U.S. government and let's not forget the profit taking by suppliers in the Iraq war. Let's keep the poking and prodding in the Afghan mountains alive forever and hope that the losses of U.S. personal freedoms don't make it up here to Canada.

Do Americans even care that high ranking officials in the U.S. administration have managed to retain and profit extensively from their financial holdings in firms deeply entrenched in the Iraq war. I am stunned. Wars have been started, and many brave soldiers lost, for the sake of profit.

I'd like to know when the American public is going to stand up and take issue with the fact that their government is supposed to represent their wishes. You don't elect a leader and then sit back and trust that he or she will do the right thing. Take the stand that government is corrupt going in and it is your duty to be vigilant and hold your elected officials accountable. Government by the people, for the people...

This is not to say that Canadian politics is free from corruption, but you can be assured that Canadians remain some of the most skeptical folks on the planet and our officials don't get away with much. The most powerful country in the world; however, certainly has a lot to answer for, and so does its citizens.

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